Note: The method below is the same for alerts meant for staff, just click "Staff" in Step 1 instead of "Students."
- From the Home Page, Click “Students or “Staff” depending on who you wish to alert. The images below will be for the selection of "Students."
- Click the blue checkbox next to the contacts you would like to alert.
- You will likely need to type in the contact’s first or last name (not both at once) in the search field and click “Search” to find a desired contact.
- There is no need to click “Clear” in-between contacts. Feel free to keep typing in names and clicking "search" while clicking the blue checkboxes. You will not lose previous selections.
- You will likely need to type in the contact’s first or last name (not both at once) in the search field and click “Search” to find a desired contact.
- Once you have all the contacts collected on the right side of your screen, you can click the “+ Create Contact List" button or the “+ Create Alert” button.
- If you selected the former, you can give the list a name, and click “Continue.”
- Alternately, you can click “+ Create Alert,” name the list of contacts you picked, and click “Continue.”
- Once you do this, you can follow the steps for creating an alert. The settings have already been chosen to allow the alert to only go to those on the contact list you just created, even if you see “entire district” checked when sending from the district.