A Period Attendance Alert can be set up for individual buildings, based on the type of attendance your school is set up for in PowerSchool. If you do not know whether you use Daily or Period Attendance, we recommend you contact your district PowerSchool administrator to confirm.
Create Period Attendance Alert
- Go to SwiftK12 > Settings > Automated Alerting Settings > Period Attendance
- Click the +Add Period Attendance Alert
- On the “Period Attendance Settings” you will go through the following simple steps to set up your automated alert:
a) Alert Creation
- Give your alert a specific name to make it easy to identify at a later date.
- Set an alert time by clicking on the time box and using the selector provided.
- Absent codes are unique by school. Check off the absent codes that you wish to have calls made on.
- Select the Periods you wish to pull absent codes for.
- Maximum Periods Absent is the threshold for the alert to be triggered.
- For Example: If you enter 2 in this field, the alert will be triggered when the student misses a total of 3 periods using any combination of the selected periods.
- Click the Next button to continue.
b) Message Types
- Your language preferences should be preset. In most cases, English is set as the default language.
- Select the type of message to send; Email, SMS/Text, and/or Voice.
- If you are using the same message for all types, you select “basic” to enter your message content. If you are using different messages for each type select “advanced”.
c) Compose Message
- Compose your message, using merge fields as desired. Please remember that SMS/Text messages must be less than 140 characters. Here is one suggested message script:
This is a message from ABC School, your student [first name/], is marked
Absent from class today. Please call the office at 5 5 5-5 5 5-5 5 5 5.
d) Save Alert
- Review the details of your Alert here to make sure they are accurate before you click “save and continue”.
On the “Manage Period Attendance Alerts” page, you will now see your newly created alert and have the capability to edit, remove, or temporarily disable it, as needed.