Messages are sent out in SwiftK12 under categories. Each category will have a specific number of contact fields(ex: home phone, father email, mother cell) opted in to it. Contact fields that are not opted in to receive messages under a category will not receive messages sent under that category.
Please note that the steps detailed in this article will not apply to students in SwiftK12 with contacts.
The following steps will walk you through how to opt in contact fields to receive messages under a category.
1. Log in to SwiftK12
2. Click Settings
3. Click Alert Categories in the System Settings section
4. Navigate to the category that you want to opt contact fields in to and click the "Fields" button next to it
5. Select the fields that you want to opt in and click save. Those fields will now receive messages from that category.
Please note: We do not recommend deleting a category that has been used as it may affect your reporting.