To Search for a phone number or email in Swiftk12 you will have to go through alerts that have already been sent out of the Swiftk12 System
Go to your Swiftk12 HomePage
Click the Blue “View History” Tab
Click the blue details tab to the left of an alert (You may have to search through a few alerts to find the number or email)
Try to locate an alert that was sent out to the whole school or district.
Once you click the view details tab, scroll down till you see “all call records” or “all email records”
You will see a search bar at the top that has “name” inside of it, Change it to read either phone or email
In the next search box enter either the phone number you are searching for or the email address
(If you are searching for a phone number, you can just enter the last 4 digits of the number)
Your phone number or email should appear and let you know which student it is associated with
If the phone number or email does not appear try to search through a different alert that was sent out