You may be familiar with the recording instructions that display when saving a voice message without Text-to-Speech enabled:
These instructions require the user to call a phone number, input their username and password in numerical form, and then key-in a few numbers and a message code, before they can proceed with the recording.
What you may not be familiar with is the fact that this is only one possible way to record your voice into a message. By leveraging our mobile app, you can record your voice in a message without making any phone call! This guide is designed to show you how to accomplish this.
If you do not already have the mobile app on your smartphone, please use the appropriate link:
Part 1: Prompt the system to ask for a recording as normal
Step 1. Hover over “Messages” and click “Create Voice Message.”
Step 2: Fill the message form as usual, making sure to uncheck “Use Text-To-Speech (TTS) Engine.”
Step 3: Click “Create Message” as highlighted in the image above
You should then be taken to the recording page on your desktop. We won't be needing it this time!
Part 2: Leveraging the mobile app
Step 1: From the mobile app, tap on the menu button on the upper-right corner of the screen.
Step 2: Tap “Missing Audio.”
Step 3: Tap the message name that matches the one you created in Part 1.
Step 4: Tap the first message code you see.
Note: Usually you will only have one recording to make per message, but you can have more than one if you used merge fields and/or additional languages.
Step 5: Tap the “Record” button to begin the voice recording process.
Step 6: Tap “Done” once you are finished with the recording.
Step 7: Tap “Listen” to hear the recording, or tap “Done” to finish.
Once all the recordings are green, your voice message will be ready and available for use in an alert through the mobile app, or the desktop (found in Messages > Manage Messages).